ANa Anaa

Photographs taken while I'm moving, exploring boundaries of blurriness'.
Online workshop with Carolina Arandia
We started with an object to hate. I had choosen these plastic bags used in supermarkets to weight vegetables and fruits. I came up with the question ? how to apprehend my own body via/through this container ? How to annex new parts and how to generate extensions ? How to blur boundaries ?
Floating hands
Drifting away
How long should I carry myself ?
Until I’m wave or liquid enough to be movement ? Until I’m transparent ?
Just a moment ago I was human, now I believe that I could be anything in between,
In between
Two worlds,
The shiny surface I’m made of,
Transcending the being I was before.
I became other and can’t be reverted.
I would like to be taken by the wind, I would like to learn to fly against walls, to crash again and again, lose whole consistency under wheels, feeling that I no longer am. -Am-, what I used to be made me think of all the other potential me’s. A plastic bag simulating an appearance into the unknown, embracing the existence of some other kind of needs.
Blurring boundaries through floating hands.
Embodying a plastic bag.

On the left : plastic bag on the head, partially hidden under hair, expanding my cerebral activity, on the right : photoshoped photograph, erasing facial expression and doubling hair.
''Being in the middle of transformation. Becoming the transformation. From experiencing active subject into the whole experienced object. Becoming of happening. Becoming of the wave of natural actions and reactions. Dragged by elements. Be observer of own change. Becoming of existing processes independent of human perception. Emptying humanness. Became unhuman. Is it an cyborg then? Because after all those processes there is a return to the human body. But is it really human? Isn't it just a illusion of that?''
Hana Magdoňová
I encounter the danger of thoughts raising unconscious behaviour, the knowledge of loosing yourself in our own being.

I am one of a few genders un/up dressing,
drifting away from 2 worlds
Just a moment ago I was human, now I believe that I could be anything in between,
In between
Two worlds,
The shiny surface I’m made of,
Transcending the being I was before.
1 hot jelly fish
2 leacking
3 on the skin it feels like an immediate sun burn, this hot skin afterwards in the evening or night
4 my hand just kept malaxing it
5 this movement spread to the whole body, a need to rely weight from one feet to an other, as pendulum
6 because it was leaking I hang it in the shower
7 and listened to the sound
8 it is like listening to something private, someone on toilet, so I stopped
9 and took it back in my hands and made a hole by pressuring with a finger
10 a little wave exploded but more water was kept between the folded plastic
11 so I tightened the fist and made plastic bubbles appear
12 it is like these plastic bubble envelopes but mine are filled with hot water under pressure going to splash soon or later
13 it goes every where, on your arms, face, leaving drops behind, because it is warm and the way or amount it comes on your skin it feels, or at least I imagined that it was like someone/something splitting at me.
14 it came to me as a whisper
15 water bubbling in between the plastic layers, moving in my fingers, hold in the plastic
16 + the air and the sound of the plastic not in contact with water
17 2 levels of language, one determined by the wet and liquid corporality and the other one by the emptiness
18 second and upper part always like an expanded volume strong enough to direct pressure on the opposite side
19 the bag emptied
20 then filled with a skirt
21 a volume without weight
22 I wait until the evening, I use the curtains as background stage, position the bright light of a desk lamp into my face
23 and get enlightened
24 kind of blinded and begin to be interested to get more body distortions done
25 I just stuff it under my hair and expand the volume of my head
26 then get one arm big enough to be seen as strong Crip female
27 discover my feminine attributes with fake transitioning
Trespassing personal satisfaction in outsourced creatures, a few versions of me available.