ANa Anaa
DIVADLO X10, Prague, 2019, personal photograph

THE AIR SYNDROME, project performed in studio and presented during POSSIBLE FUTURES event at Prague at DivadloX.
Wet silk on skin
I breathe through a thin layer of fabric.
Water evaporates and this human sculpture lying there needs to be kept wet. The cardboard on which the water slowly drops relays even afterwards that something had happened here.
I’m wearing a second skin which folds and blurs my real skin. What does aging and disappearing means to us now ? How to maintain youth eternal ?
Some how I think back to Micka Rottenberg's videos made by herself in which reality drives slowly into fiction. Her installations always seem to document, more then to invent, an alter-reality in which something went wrong.
How can I interfere in time ?
How can I interfere in the perception of time ?

THE AIR SYNDROME, Part 1, Performance, Possible Futures at DIVADLO X10, Prague, 2019, photograph taken by Dita Havrankova

THE AIR SYNDROME, Part 1, Performance, Possible Futures at DIVADLO X10, Prague, 2019, photograph taken by Dita Havrankova

THE AIR SYNDROME, below left, Part 1, Performance, Studio in FAVU, Brno, 2019, photograph taken by Darya Rasokhina
THE AIR SYNDROME, below right, Part 2, Performance, Studio in FAVU, Brno, 2019, photograph taken by Darya Rasokhina
I was surprised when I searched online for an artistic purpose under The Air Syndrome, and found links to an actual disease; modern buildings in which apparently the air doesn’t circulates as well as it should leading to headaches and similar symptoms that face people who are afraid of height. All illness disappears as soon as the person leaves the room and goes outside. People are often not aware of, why they slowly feel sick and only notice the disappearance by leaving. They experience the air syndrome when they are supposed to provide efficient work. It is not necessarily linked to insufficient oxygen; the reasons stay unclear and unsolved. Optimized business buildings, indeed, but time and space related experience was not taken into account in the first place by architects and engineers.
https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2014-08/documents/sick_building_factsheet.pdf 4
A disfunction which, out of context, was not meant to be on purpose but which is conditioning a real alteration of the consideration of welfare in a specific environment. I transmute this issue/subject in an artistic purpose.
How to leave behind an emotion which lasts longer than this moment which had just passed ?