ANa Anaa

Research 2017
A subversive gesture tends to jostle, to tip to gently collapse the established order.
My intention is to hustle the status and value of the object in order to set up a silent protest through materials and forms. The unfinished (incomplete) is recurrent, it is the pretext and the principle used to build the prototypes. A preparatory research about portraits, in the form of surrealist collages, makes it possible to apprehend the way that we look at things. As abstract as it may seem, we seek or always want to make sense of what we do not understand.
The remaining fabric which is usually thrown away is used to build the garment. The composition is determined by these pieces. The seams are apparent and the interior is visible from the outside. A geometric order and rhythm is created through the contrast of colour. Which form induces which function ? It becomes abstract and multifunctional. It questions our way of wearing clothes and the relationship that we establish with them. It is not about creating something that would make other clothing superfluous. It is rather about the way we define and about how names intrinsically bring meanings, a function and a use. The prototypes are reversible and always provided with markers which make it possible to identify certain parts. They also determine the placement on the body. However these markers are illusory because they are used to play with the name attributed to them. These garments are enigmas used to re-examine the way we dress up. It is unisex and adaptable to almost all kinds of bodies with ribbons and straps. Each prototype is polymorphous because it includes several names and therefore several uses.