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above on the right : Oskar standing as tree, embracing an everlasting position, exploring for a long moment the details of the environment he is surrounded with. Trying somehow to expand his listening. How to envision and perceive multispecifism? How to reach out to other beings ? How to be among ?
on the left : I had to stop while I was walking to look at this tree and to stretch, as if this curved, twisted wood was an invitation to prolong this movement in my own body. Singular movements were generated throughout observations of environments.

Crossing Borders, itinerant Performance Research Residency, Šumava National Park, Czech Republic, September 2020
A group of 10 Czech, German, Italian students, PhD or working in performance, choreography, philosophy and sociology.
12 days of migration 80 km along the Czech and German border.
Area of perdition and extreme historical surveillance (natural border of the roman empire, transitional zone for all the following political regimes, delimitation at the first and second world war, and territory divided by the iron curtain).
Even though many human interventions changed the šumava national park, the forest also suffered because of a bark beetle invasion which, quite, destroyed most of the trees and an ouragan in 2007 which put them to the ground. Several political campaigns favoured an intensive re-plantation. This very desolated area invites to contemplate and to walk slowly in an apocalyptical environment.
Which stories move us ? How to tell them ? By whom ? For whom ? What meanings do they carry ?
How do we relate to past_present and future worlds ? How to voice memories which are and have been marginalised on territories subordinated by power structures ? Which performative gestures allow and convey an archive and documentation ? How to restitute with a body, territories which are marked and crossed by traces and absences ? How to move from there as individual and as group ? Which emotional states occur ?
below : Angie exploring the inside of a tree in which other roots are growing.

ephemeral trace of my body in the grass of Leopoldsreut, Germany